Final Invoicing

Your install is All Done!

Collecting the recoverable depreciation comes next.

Your roof has been installed and now we will be finishing a few minor details. If your project was a retail purchase, our office will be reaching out to collect final payment shortly. If your project was through insurance we will need you to sign a Certificate of Completion for your warranty and for your Insurance Carrier to release the funds. This will be submitted along with the final invoice to your adjuster who should be releasing the depreciation which was originally withheld from your initial payment at the beginning of the claim.

Once this is received you will want to submit it to us as soon s you receive it. We won’t want to dilly dally in this process as delays can be costly. We allow up to 30 days for this process to be completed. After which we begin charging interest on any remaining balance. If the payment is not receive within 60 days we will be required to place a lien on your home. This is due to some pesky state statues which require payment to be receive or a lien placed in order to retain lien rights as a contractor. Of course, nobody wants this so let make sure the final payment is released but he adjuster and received within these timelines.

Once the final payment is received you workmanship warranty will be activated and you will have a warranty for up to 10 years from the date of completion. We stand by our work so should you have any concerns int he meantime please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Project Liaison or our office for assistance.

Thank you for trusting us with your home!

Ryan Tempel